Anglican Gradual & Sacramentary

The Anglican Gradual & Sacramentary offers liturgical supplements to the authorized liturgies of the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer. Following in the footsteps of works like The Anglican Missal, editor David Allen White has created a resource for use with Rite I (traditional language), Rite II (contemporary language), and the Spanish language liturgies. Read more about this resource here.

He offers three caveats with the use of this material due to when it was compiled (in the 1990's):

  1. The readings given are those printed in the Book of Common Prayer which differ from the Revised Common Lectionary now in use.
  2. the material for Saints' Days does not include the additions found in Holy Women, Holy Men, [ed. note: since this caveat was added, the official calendar of the Episcopal Church has reverted to Lesser Feasts & Fasts 2006 meaning these files are up to date...]
  3. there are some minor formatting issues in the files given the different renderings between WordPerfect and word processors of the present day.
The files published here are his own source files that contain the corrections he has made over the years. Currently (as of 6/17/2014), they are still in the process of being updated. Thus, not all of the material appears here yet; more will be added as the corrected files are made available.

The files linked from this page are in Rich Text Format and require the following fonts: Garamond, Antique, Cataneo, and Ceremony.